First Méndez Centre For Investigative Interviewing launched in Oslo, Norway

On September 16th 2024 the first Méndez Centre For Investigative Interviewing was launched in Oslo, Norway, at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR). The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR), International department, based at the Faculty of Law at the University of Oslo, is dedicated to promoting human rights globally through education, research, and dialogue. Anchored in the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education, the Centre collaborates with an extensive network of global partners to deliver human rights training and education.

The Mendez Centre will serve as a hub for innovative research and action on investigative interviewing, fostering a global community committed to upholding justice, human rights, and human dignity.

In the launch we were honored to host Professor Juan E. Méndez, Director Bård Vegar Solhjell, Norad – Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, Prof. Ragnhild Hennum, Dean, Faculty of Law, Professor Dave Walsh, Prof. Ray Bull, Prof. Rebecca (Becky) Milne, Prof. Emily Allison, Prof. Julia Korkman, Prof. Ólafur Örn Bragason, Dr. Ivar Fahsing, Dr. Asbjørn Rachlew, Prof. Lennart May, and Gisle Kvanvig. On the photo there are ImpleMendez members who participated in the launch (photo credit: Universitet i Oslo).