As part of the ALUNA project, colleagues from the Fundamental Rights Research Centre (FRC) at the Vrije Universitei Brussel (VUB) are working on a report on the obstacles faced in dealing with CSA/CSE experiences during criminal proceedings. Their work combines desktop and qualitative research in order to highlight the main obstacles (including long duration and the performance of credibility assessment) and harmful practices concerning the treatment of CSA/CSE victims during the criminal proceedings. They also try to collect existing best practices and develop a list of recommendations to be followed by LEAs, public prosecutors, and other stakeholders working on the matter.
At this stage, they are identifying interviewees for their field research. Participation is voluntary and not compensated. The interviews will be conducted online, each lasting approximately one hour, with all collected data anonymized in the final research report. Before the interview, they will provide participants with a consent form and an information sheet detailing the project.
If you can take part of an interview, or share relevant contacts who might, please contact Nadine El-Dekmak at and Anna Maria Totokotsi at Anna.Maria.