
Call for papers to a special issue

Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling is calling papers for a special issue ‘Implementing the Méndez Principles: Cultural differences within effective interviewing and...

A new handbook of investigative interviewing and interrogation

Edited by three of our members including our Action Chair, this new book embodies the very spirit of ImpleMendez in seeking opportunities to assist in their implementation, as well as reflecting the...

Training School in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Our first ever ImpleMéndez Training School took place in the beautiful city of Ljubljana, Slovenia, on July 2nd and 3rd 2024. 27 members of our growing international network gathered together, across...

ImpleMéndez Management Committee Meeting in Coimbra, Portugal

Between May 14th and 16th 2024 40 members of the ImpleMéndez project (COST Action 22128) met in the beautiful, historic University of Coimbra, Portugal, to work on our ongoing mission to support the...


Read feedback from our first training school in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from here.

A new book, Police Custody in Ireland, edited by our Action Vice-Chair Prof Yvonne Daly (Dublin City University, Ireland) was launched on Thursday June 20th 2024 (read more about the book here).

Read ImpleMéndez Management Committee & Working Group Meeting (May 15-16, University of Coimbra, Portugal) minutes from here. Information about establishing Méndez Centres for Investigative Interviewing can be read from here

Read and download Mendez Principles in different languages from here
Read also Association for the Prevention of Torture website on the Mendez Principles.

Read about a non-coercive interrogation UN manual in here.

In the report published in July 2024, the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Alice Jill Edwards, presents her annual overview of trends and developments as well as a thematic study focused on good practices and challenges in investigating, prosecuting and preventing wartime sexual torture, and providing rehabilitation for victims and survivors.


We are inviting ImpleMendez members to express interest in Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) that can be funded in Year 2 of our project. The aim of the STSM is to support individual mobility and strengthen the existing networks and fostering collaborations by allowing scientists to visit an institution in another participating COST country or an approved Nearby Neighbor Country (NNC) or International Partner Country institution (IPC). If you are interested then please fill in the forms and send your expression of interest by Friday August 30th 2024 5PM UTC time to our Grant Holder Manager Fiona Walsh ( Read the instructions from here. Download the expression of interest form from here and the preliminary funding breakdown form from here

We are inviting teams of ImpleMendez members to submit proposals for projects which will support the overall objective of this COST Action, as well as its secondary objectives, and work towards the production of the Action deliverables. Project proposal application form can be found here and details of our Action goals and objectives can be found here. The deadline for project proposal applications was Friday June 28th at 5pm UTC. The list of project proposals intended to be supported in Year 2 of the Action is here. Another four projects are in further development. A further call for future projects will be made in Spring 2025.

Apply for EC Horizon Europe MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024, deadline 11th September 2024. Read more from here.