On 10th and 11th September 28 members from ImpleMéndez attended a workshop that reviewed, refined and enhanced their projects. The proposals for these projects were submitted in June, and in July members of the Management Committee had reviewed them and, subject to the budget for Year 2 of our COST Action, supported them. The workshop was dynamic involving the hard work, the discussions and the range of presentations both from invited speakers as well as the project leads. Special mention to Luminitsa Diaconu from Moldova for taking the photos of the event and also to Laura Pajon for being the perfect host and in organising hotels, rooms and refreshments over the two days (as well as the great restaurants!!). Those attending reflected that the two-day workshop enabled them to see what other projects were being planned, and the exchanges between the whole group led them to develop their own plans more effectively. Dave Walsh will soon be completing the COST Work and Budget plan for Year 2, using the information from these proposed projects to help him undertake this task.